
《Mindset Worth Millions - Master Kenny Hoo Part 2》 精選

三月 30, 2022 1199

We all face crisis at some point in our lives emotionally. It's easy to wander into the deep end of negative ideas when we're stuck in a crisis, especially COVID-19 pandemic.
How do you handle a crisis situation? What are some good coping strategies for dealing with a crisis and getting through it?
This episode offers some advice on what to remember when dealing with crisis. Don't miss out on the real story, remember to watch this episode.
Apart from this, have you ever been harshly criticised by someone to the point where it had a significant impact on your life?
If you find yourself in this situation, watch this episode to learn some successful methods for coping with criticism.
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我们在生活中都会面临情感危机。当我们处于危机中时,很容易陷入负面想法的深渊,尤其是在 COVID-19 疫情大流行的情况下。
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source : https://www.facebook.com/100285301933380/posts/385617730066801/

最後修改於 週五, 15 四月 2022 18:20