In October 2009, Master Kenny Hoo is proudly awarded in by Chinese Cultural Information Association, under the support of Cultural Ministry of China, as "Outstanding Chinese Culture Embassador" Kenny is amongst one of the 100 outstanding personals, whom are recognized in the below official book, "GLORIOUS CHINA", published in October 2009, in conjuction with China's 60-year Indenpendant Day. 中华人民共和国文化部轄管,中国文化信息协会,编辑《中华风采》系列丛书之《璀璨神州》,力争紧跟时代,博采众长,通过一个角度、一个视点来发掘神州英才,以此激励我们更好地传承中华悠久文明,开拓神州新天地。 中国文化信息协会希望编撰本书能为推动两岸三地海内外优秀文化交流与合作搭起一座广阔的舞台,让历史铭记为中华文化发展而不遗余力、努力贡献的英杰们,为中华文化传承而做出突出成绩的各界人士,将他们不平凡的成绩记录成为中华文明史中永恒的辉煌 [ In 2005, Master Kenny Hoo won 2 International Awards in Taiwan R.O. China, as an official recognition for his talent and credibility in the promotion of Feng Shui and Chinese culture ]